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Dental sealants aren’t just for kids! Did you know that more and more adults are now choosing to invest in dental sealants and other preventive care? Sealants are great for those back teeth that are hard to brush and floss effectively. In fact, our dentist in Hobart, IN, would be more than happy to educate you on the many benefits of dental sealants for your oral health and wellness.

Dental Sealants Dentist In Hobart In

In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about dental sealants, why they’re so popular, and who’s eligible for this special treatment.

How Do Dental Sealants Work?

Just like a trusty raincoat, sealants shield the chewing surfaces of your back teeth from nasty bacteria responsible for causing cavities, gum disease, and other issues. Don’t get us wrong—you’re still on the hook for brushing and flossing! However, teeth sealants are ideal for protecting your smile and upgrading your oral health.

The dental sealant procedure itself is non-invasive to both your mouth and your schedule. In fact, we’re often able to squeeze in the procedure during a routine teeth cleaning visit. If you’re considering dental sealants for your smile, please don’t hesitate to speak up to our helpful and knowledgeable team.

Kids and Teens

Did you know that cavities are the #1 most common chronic disease in kids? This fact comes directly from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While the statistics are sobering, it’s important to remember what’s within your power to control as a parent. For example, you can ask Dr. Ostrowski how your kiddo can benefit from pediatric dental sealants.

We understand that you always want what’s best for your child. That’s why we do everything in our power to help set your child up for success! We want to make sure their visits are both positive and empowering. That way, they not only feel comfortable at the dentist, but have a solid foundation for oral health.

As your child grows into a teenager, their schedule may become busier. Between homework and after-school activities, it’s no wonder why oral hygiene can sometimes fall to the wayside. To help lower your teen’s risk for cavities, consider dental sealants as a possible solution.

When combined with good oral hygiene, sealants can dramatically decrease the likelihood of childhood cavities and other problems.


Hey adults! Did you think we’d forget about you? A common misconception is that you can only get dental sealants as a child. However, the truth is that you can get sealants for teeth at any age. If you’re someone who struggles with cavities or simply wants to practice better self care, schedule an appointment with our dental office in Hobart, IN.

Our passion is to help patients maintain healthy smiles at every stage of life. This includes adulthood. Whether you’re a busy parent, working professional, or all the above, we can develop a treatment plan that’s tailored to your unique needs.

Ask Dr. Ostrowski About Dental Sealants

Dr. Leonard Ostrowski III is proud to serve as your trusted dentist in Hobart, IN. To schedule an appointment and learn if you’re a candidate for sealants treatment, please call Ridgewood Dental at (219) 947-2922. You may also fill out our online contact form and a member of our team will reach out to you soon.